His mother Elissa has now firmly established her earth mother credentials with a completely natural birth - no palliative medicines, not even a piece of bark to bite down on! Honey, I salute you!
Sunday, 28 December 2008
A child is born
His mother Elissa has now firmly established her earth mother credentials with a completely natural birth - no palliative medicines, not even a piece of bark to bite down on! Honey, I salute you!
Thursday, 23 October 2008
The Finish Line
Finally, I want to thank all those who sponsored my run or wished me luck. The encouragement you gave helped ease the miles as they ticked by. We did a good thing together: we raised over £320 for charity. And Emil was right - if you want to experience something run a marathon. Happy running!
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
The waiting game
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
History by numbers
Monday, 22 September 2008
Lessons in Japanese
I have one last long run scheduled this Saturday but otherwise my week is light and the miles drop off further as race day approaches. Today's run was 4.26 miles which I clocked in 32:17.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Elementary, my dear Elissa!
Anyway. This mornings run was a medium effort, 4.26 mile, base run which I clocked at 31:55. As Holmes might say: “the game’s afoot”.
Monday, 15 September 2008
That was zen. This is tao.
Not that I felt particularly spiritual this morning when I was running long intervals. I ran well outside what I expected to run – 20 seconds a mile slower in fact on average. I ran 3 mile splits with 2 minutes rest between splits and a mile of warm-up and warm-down. I clocked the splits as:
First split: 7:19
Second split: 7:12
Third split: 7:12
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Inspiration in unlikely places
Friday, 12 September 2008
Black dog days
Sunday’s half marathon seems a long time ago. I haven’t run since then which has torn up my training schedule. After the high of competition has come the antidote of the working routine. Tomorrow I have to motivate myself to pick up the pieces and clock some miles on the road. My training schedule requires me to run six days out of seven. Since February I have never let more than two consecutive days pass without a run so this hiatus has assumed a massive significance in my mind. In fact, I don’t feel like a runner anymore. Black dog days indeed.
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Loneliness of the long distance runner
Kirsten Watt I was touched by your contribution. To donate your pocket money to the cause instead of buying McFly merchandise clearly reflects your increasing maturity – and taste! On that note of gratitude, I applaud those people who have contributed to the campaign so far who don’t know me personally. Kara McKee, Nancy Allan and Lynda Donnelly a special thanks to you all. Not for you the obligation of association but the purest motive of good-heartedness. Thank you.
Saturday, 6 September 2008
Behind every great man...
Today, I took things easy with a 3 mile run to keep limber for tomorrows race. Time is meaningless since it was run at training pace and effort but for the record I clocked in at 19:59. If I could keep that pace up tomorrow for 13 miles I would be very happy. However the Gods of running are conspiring against a good performance. A visit to the dentist this morning confirmed what I have suspected for the past few days. I have a gum infection which has resulted in severe toothache. Antibiotics and ibuprofen are prescribed but I can’t help feeling I am falling apart. My inevitable grouchiness has caused friction in the Connor camp. Can we hold it together? Don't bet against us!
Friday, 5 September 2008
Facing the music
Running purists extol its simplicity: its closeness to nature. They argue that iPods are another symptom of an increasingly selfish society that encourages isolationism and lack of engagement with others. Wear earphones and a large part of the sensory running experience is lost. Personally I’m not against iPods but I prefer to run without music – even on long runs. If I couldn’t hear the cadence of my breathing or the rhythm of my footfall a lot of what I enjoy about running would be lost. Other I runners I know like music to motivate them and choose their playlists meticulously. That’s OK too. The running community is a broad church and can accommodate both camps.I want to avoid the pseudo-philosophy that can often accompany the purists camp [for an excellent exposition read “Running: A Marathon For The Mind” edited by Amby Burfoot] but it is true that the mind follows satisfying threads of its own during long runs that music would interrupt. In the end you should do whatever gets you out there.I didn’t run this morning – I’m tapering!
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Cometh the hour...
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Aches and pains
Another thing I don’t miss – but my boy Luca does – are the toenails of both my big toes. Relentless pummelling has reduced them, particularly the left, to very distressed states. Luca finds them so gross he won’t come near me unless I’m heeled or socked at the very least. Recently, the necessity to plaster my toes to prevent blistering has had the pleasing side-effect of allowing me to walk barefoot in the house again. But in a typical example of universal karma, this has been offset by Elissa’s revulsion at finding old plasters in unhygienic places. Remind me to post some pictures of those beauties. Todays training run was 8 miles run in 58:14. A good time over that distance for a training run. Same again tomorrow.
The road of excess...
…leads to the palace of wisdom. Or so some great sage was reported to have observed. And so by extension to the running world. When you run further than 13 miles you find out some interesting things about your body and your mind. If you have a defect in your bio mechanics, if your running style is inefficient, if your motivation is poor, then this is where it shows. On Sunday I ran an unprecedented 18 miles. Before the run I had anxieties. I’d never run this far before. Would I break down? Would it show that the marathon distance was beyond me. In the end the run was sublime. I got faster as the miles progressed and for short durations I found that ethereal state, that serenity that’s known as a runner’s high: in these moments I felt I could run forever. Now I know that I can run the marathon and I’m not afraid of it.
Sleepless nights
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
My first post!
Why start a blog? I'm running a marathon in Abingdon on October 18th 2008 in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support and I thought it would be useful if potential donors could read about my preparations. It might help loosen their purse strings and soften their hearts if they knew where their money would go and they knew the hardships I was facing to prepare for the race.
On the subject of hardships I am not one of those 'worthy' souls that bike trek across Peru or walk the Great Wall in China funded by the charitable donations of my envious donors. Every penny I receive will go directly to Macmillan - my race fees and expenses are being met by myself. If you donate through my justgiving website your money goes directly to the charities bank account. Please follow the link: http://www.justgiving.com/john_connor_runs