Tuesday, 2 September 2008

My first post!

Welcome to the blogosphere! I've never blogged before so this represents new territory for me. If I were just scribbling private musings then writing would be easy but I'm conscious of the potential exposure of my witterings so I find I'm trying too hard to be witty and amusing - so I'll stop and pretend I'm writing for myself. That's better. Mind you, the vast majority of blogs apparently go unread in cyberspace so I should count myself lucky if anyone thought I was trying too hard. Anyway, you're reading this so I have been discovered!

Why start a blog? I'm running a marathon in Abingdon on October 18th 2008 in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support and I thought it would be useful if potential donors could read about my preparations. It might help loosen their purse strings and soften their hearts if they knew where their money would go and they knew the hardships I was facing to prepare for the race.

On the subject of hardships I am not one of those 'worthy' souls that bike trek across Peru or walk the Great Wall in China funded by the charitable donations of my envious donors. Every penny I receive will go directly to Macmillan - my race fees and expenses are being met by myself. If you donate through my justgiving website your money goes directly to the charities bank account. Please follow the link: http://www.justgiving.com/john_connor_runs

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